All Dog Breeds >>Appearance of English Foxhound
The English Foxhound is about 21-25 inches tall to the withers, and weighs anywhere between 65-75 pounds, although some English Foxhounds bred for the show ring can be considerably bigger, with some males weighing over 100 pounds. The skull is wide, the muzzle is long, and eyes carry a sweet expression. The legs are muscular, straight-boned, and the paws are rounded, almost cat-like
English Foxhound Training
The English Foxhound is moderatley easy to train. He learns new commands at the average rate. He is neither difficult nor easy to train.
English Foxhound Shedding
The English Foxhound sheds a fair amount of hair. You'll find hair stuck to your couch, carpets, clothes and everything else in your home.
English Foxhound Grooming
The short coat of the English Foxhound only requires an occasional brushing. But because he sheds you may find yourself brushing him once or twice a week to remove loose hair. (What you get out with a brush doesn't fall out in your home!)