All Dog Breeds >>Old English Sheepdog

The Old English Sheepdog originated in the early 19th century in the western counties of England, and is believed to have descended from the Scotch Bearded Collie and the Russian Owtchar. The OES herded sheep and cattle into major city markets, earning the nickname "bobtail" due to their docked tails. The short tail signaled their working status, earning their owners a tax exemption.
Old English Sheepdog Breed for you ?
The OES is an athletic animal, filled with clownish energy, and therefore requires regular exercise or a job to do. Although affectionate with his family, he may try to herd people or other objects. If the coat is of the correct texture, the breed should not be any more difficult to groom than other long-haired dogs, provided a dog is introduced to it early.