All Dog Breeds >>Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

There is no authentic record of the development of the Toller, but present day thinking is that the basic stock was the red decoy dog, probably brought to Nova Scotia with the early settlers from Europe. Crosses with other breeds, possibly spaniel and setter-type dogs, retriever-type dogs, and farm collie, produced today’s Toller. Originally known as the Little River Duck Dog after the district of Yarmouth County, or as a Yarmouth Toller, the Toller has now bred true for generations.
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Breed for you ?
Highly intelligent, alert and outgoing, the Toller is normally ready for action, desiring a job to do or some kind of activity. He is affectionate and loving with family members and is good with children, showing patience. A natural-looking breed, the Toller does not require much coat maintenance beyond occasional brushing and baths.