All Dog Breeds >>Doberman Pinscher

The Doberman Pinscher is agile, elegantly bodied, and powerful. The breed has a short back, well-proportioned chest, and a sinewy, muscular neck. Their legs are straight and parallel. They have well-developed teeth that close in a scissors bite and dark eyes with an intelligent expression. Ears of this breed are usually cropped, and they are often taped for several weeks to prompt them to stand erect. In recent history, many Doberman Pinschers have been left natural- without docking or cropping of the tail and/or ears. The short-haired coat of the Doberman Pinscher is close-fitting, hard, and thick. Coat colors for this breed include black, blue-gray, black & tan, red, and fawn. White markings may or may not be present.
The Doberman Pinscher is a highly capable guard dog with an energetic personality and intelligent disposition. The breed possesses incredible strength and stamina, and they are adaptable and easy to train. They are courageous and assertive, yet they are not vicious or aggressive. Like any other breed, subtleties in temperament will vary according to the dog. They are regal, loyal, and very affectionate towards members of their family. They are a people-oriented breed, and they require an owner that is capable of disciplining the dog confidently. If allowed his or her own way too much, the Doberman Pinscher can be pushy. This breed is naturally protective, and they don't need specialized training to be an outstanding guard dog. They should be trained and socialized properly from an early age to prevent over-protective behavior. If raised with children from an early age, they make wonderful family pets. This breed generally isn't suitable for first-time dog owners.
66 – 88 pounds
Male: 75-100 pounds Female:60-90 pounds
General Health
The Doberman Pinscher is a comparatively healthy breed. Some lines are susceptible to cervical spindylitis (wobbler syndrome) because of a fusion of the neck vertebrae and compression of the spinal cord. Another concern is Von Willebrands disease, a possibly inherited blood disorder. The Doberman Pinscher is prone to obesity and bloat in its adult years. Hip dysplasia and congenital heart disorders are seen occasionally. It's highly recommended that a veterinary check be given prior to purchasing a Doberman Pinscher puppy. This breed typically lives for up to 13 years.
They are also at risk for gastric torsion also known as bloat. Bloat will result in death without immediate treatment.
The Doberman Pinscher was developed in Germany throughout the 1860's. It is highly likely that the breed was created by crossing German Pinschers with the Beauceron, the Rottweiler, the English Greyhound, and a variety of Greyhound and Pinscher breeds. The founder of this breed was a German tax collector by the name of Louis Dobermann. Mr. Dobermann's goal was to create a watchdog that was capable of handling and adapting to a variety of unexpected situations. The Doberman Pinscher became instantly popular after its first showing in 1876.
The Doberman Pinscher was first developed in Thurigen, Germany, by a local town watchman named Karl Friedrich Louis Doberman. Doberman Wanted a nimble, quick-thinking dog of action to accompany him on his rounds during the 1870's. The breed was combination of the all qualities that Doberman was looking for in the ultimate police dog. He desired a breed that had the strengthen and muscles of the Rottweiler, the compactness of the Pinscher and the traits of several other local breeds, including the Black and Tan Terrier. The lines of the Doberman Pinchsher are unmistakable. Sleek, tapered, and quick moving, this alert dog is the ultimate guard/police dog. When properly trained, these dogs are the ultimate help to humans and their best friend. The Doberman has a fast, crisp gait and is capable of long burst of speed. A highly intelligent dog, it can be trained to do a great number of tasks and is able to think on his own. The breed has distinguished itself as both a guard dog and a messenger dog in many fields of battle. It is also known a well as a protector for individuals during peacetime. This breed requires lots of exercise and obedience training.
The short-haired coat of the Doberman Pinscher requires very little grooming and maintenance. This breed is an average shedder.
Ideal Environment
The Doberman Pinscher is content to live in a small household or apartment if it is given sufficient daily exercise. This breed is happiest with at least an average-sized yard. The Doberman Pinscher is sensitive to the cold, and it should not be kept as an outside dog. This is a highly energetic breed that needs plenty of physical activity.
A Doberman should not be kept outside in extreme heat. If your uncomfortable with the temperature be it hot or cold then a Doberman is will to be uncomfortable. If you live in an apartment then you will need to take your dog out several times a day as they need exercise. They do not do well in small spaces. They have a large amount of energy. They were bred for working and they enjoy task. If left alone for long periods they may become anxious and destructive.
Doberman Pinscher Training
The Doberman Pinscher is the most intelligent and easiest to train of all dog breeds! He learns new commands quicker than any other breed, which makes him very easy to train.